NOVEMBER 6, 2003 

Source: NewFrontEars


Howe at 2003 "Music Now"

By Simon Barrow

In the midst of a mini-sabbatical from his commitments with Yes, eclectic guitarist Steve Howe will be performing a short live set and offering a masterclass at the forthcoming 2003 Music Now equipment exhibition at the NEC in Birmingham, England, later this month.

Howe's most recent solo projects include the 'Masterpiece Guitars' duo album with jazz guitar legend Martin Taylor (showcasing the Scott Chinnery collection) and 'Elements', the debut project from Howe's new blues, jazz and rock oriented band of the same name -- featuring the sax, clarinet and flute of Gilad Atzmon, who deservedly won a 2003 BBC Jazz Award for his Orient House Ensemble album 'Exile'.

Steve Howe is due to appear on the NEC's Live Stage from 11.00 to 11.40 on Saturday 22 November, and then in one of the two Seminar Rooms from 13.30 to 14.00. The emphasis will be on acoustic pieces, apprarently. The Music Now event as a whole runs from 21-23 November. Tickets cost £10 per day and are available online. Travel details are here. The organisers stress that places for seminars and performances "are available on a first come first served basis."

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